Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar -DMRC Route

🚆 Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar Delhi Metro route details are given below, please scroll down.

Total Stations 🚉 2
Fare ⟨₹⟩ 10
Travel Time ⏰ 6 min.
First Train 5:25
Last Train 23:12

  Laxmi Nagar  
  Nirman Vihar  

Route from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar is a part of the Delhi Metro network, which passes through 2 stations. The total travel time for passengers from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar is approx 6 minutes.

A ticket will set you back 10 rupees, but if you've got a smartcard, you might save a little. Always nice to get a discount! The metro runs from early morning to late night. First train leaves at 5:25 AM, and the last one's at 23:12 at night. So you've got options all day long.

Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Details

Phone No 7290049455, 8800793202
First Train 5:25
Last Train 23:12
Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Entry/Exit Gate
Gate No 1D Block Laxmi Nagar
Gate No 2Shakarpur
Gate No 3Patel Hospital

Nirman Vihar Metro Station Details

Phone No 📞 7290049477, 8800793201
First Train 5:28
Last Train 23:15
Nirman Vihar Metro Station Entry/Exit Gate
Gate No 1V3S Mall,Bharat Public School
Gate No 2Bharat Colony
Gate No 3Nirman Vihar Area


What's Best part in this route

Best part? It's a direct route! No need to change trains or anything. Just hop on and relax till you reach Nirman Vihar

How long does it take to travel from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar by metro?

It takes approximately 6 minutes to travel from from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar on the Delhi Metro.

How much does it cost to travel from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar?

The metro fare from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar is ₹10 if you’re using a token. With a metro card, you might get a small discount.

What time does the first metro from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar start?

The first metro from Laxmi Nagar usually starts around 5:25 AM, but it’s may be change during any special day.

How many stops are there between Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar?

There are 2 stations in total between Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar on this metro route.

What are the timings of the first and last metro from Laxmi Nagar to Nirman Vihar?

The first metro from Laxmi Nagar heading towards Nirman Vihar starts at 5:25 AM, and the last one leaves at 23:15 at night. These timings are based on the schedule from Laxmi Nagar

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